Mega Score Counter II
This is the second version of my 6-Player Score Counter. This second version expanded the functionality to 6 players, added a timer function, and added the ability to select which round is currently being played. The purpose of this version was to expand the functionality to the limits of the hardware available at the time. It's certainly not perfect, but this version helped me figure out which features to keep, so I'm slowly starting to get there.
To build it I used a breadboard, a DS1307 timer chip & a crystal oscillator, 13 push buttons (one for starting/stopping the timer, plus two for each player; one up & one down increment), 3 RGB LEDs (that flash in a pattern unique to the button pressed), two 16x2 LCD screens (the first to display the first four scores, the second to display the last two scores and the time elapsed), & two DIP switches (the first to determine which game [of the 8 to choose from] is being played, and therefore how much the score gets incremented by per button press; the second to determine which round). When the 4th switch of the first DIP switch is ON, the Mega compares the scores, congratulates the winner(s), and flashes that player's color in various patterns!